All Science-based
All of the recommendations and information found on our website come from a database established on scientific studies and information provided by solid non-profit platforms.
All Science-based
All of the recommendations and information found on our website come from a database established on scientific studies and information provided by solid non-profit platforms.
The Science behind us
By periodically gathering all the updated data available on such reliable sources, we are confident in how serious, responsible, and concerned we are about providing you with precise recommendations that can benefit your health.
Group of researchers and health professionals who constantly update all the information by validating and comparing multiple studies to create safe data and overall material about all kinds of supplements and compounds.
Specialists in pharmacology data. They gather all the substances and compounds in the market and provide the readers with information about metabolization and drug interactions.
Source of Examine and other references. Pubmed is a solid American search engine that compiles medical and scientific articles worldwide. It is backed by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Meet our database
Our database is based on this Sankey Graphic, which shows Health Protection’s platform’s three most important cornerstones. Without any filters, the first column demonstrates all of the health areas we can attend to, and the second column shows all the specific health issues that fit into the first category.
All our products are connected to their specific outcomes in the third column. As you can see below, the Sankey seems endless and overwhelming. Our goal is to simplify the choices of supplements, so our questions work as filters to make health safe, fast, and net and narrow it down to objective indications.